It is difficult for petite women to find stock bikes that fit. When Jess came to us for a bike fit, she has just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in her hip and she could not cycle without pain, especially around her lower back and also in her wrists. All she needed was a bike to keep fit on and to take her children to school in hilly Walthamstow ... She liked the idea of an "upright" comfort bicycle and had no experience or interest in road bikes with drop bars. The open mindedness she demonstrated in her sessions with us was outstanding. We are so proud to showcase her and her courage. She realised straight away that the most comfortable riding position for her body was actually the road bike position (which most people mistake for 'racing' and 'aggressive'!). Riding in the correct, ergonomic position, with a bike that fits perfectly will help with her hip condition. With her wrists nicely resting on the hoods, all the controls at her fingertips we proved to her that she could cycle efficiently, for long periods, with no pain at all.... She collected her new lifetime companion last weekend; a made to measure bike - she looks totally at one with it... and hey, don't they look stunning together?!